7 Design Parameters To Look For While Choosing A Business Simulation Software For Your Class
With changing times and reduced attention span of students in classrooms, professors…
Internet of Things: Is the New Game Changer for Education
It is a common observation that (IOT) Internet of things will soon…
10 Must Have Tools For Your Digital Classroom
Classroom collaboration helps students process and deepen their knowledge.
5 Examples of EdTech Usage to Help Universities Connect Their Students
Go back 20 years from now and one would have never complained…
Significance of Group Work in Higher Education
Free-riding/social loafing in group work “Together Everyone Achieves More” –TEAM
Classroom Display Boards: The Pros and Cons
Classroom displays are a wonderful way to liven up a classroom, allowing you…
How Ed-Tech Is Necessary for Teachers to Educate Students in 21st-Century Skills
As the technological advances continue to emerge and support our daily lives,…
Tech Tools are No Shortcut to Learning But Can Boost STEM & Arts Learning
Technology with its disruptive elements has conquered the education sector and for…
Global Indian International School to Launch NextGen SMART Campus in Singapore’s Digital District
Global Indian International School (GIIS) will open the most technologically advanced SMART…
Keeping Your Classroom Always Up and Running With Dustproof Projectors
What Influences the Future of India’s Education Sector? Higher education in India…