Developing Your Personal Learning Network (PLN)
When we talk of social media, we can call it is as…
[Interactive Infographic] History of Social Media
Social Media has it own pros and cons , but mostly pros…
List of Twitter Hashtags For Students and Teachers
A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a “#.” A…
Twitter: A Powerful Learning Tool
Social media in education frequently gets an awful rap for being a…
Social Media in Education: Pros and Cons
We all agree that learning is not just studying a textbook but…
How Much Do Students Love Technology?
21st Century Learning different than the current model that most of us…
How Can Students Use Twitter For Research?
Can anybody guess which are the most searched websites? Including the search…
Use of Student Data: Social media and Gamification in Education
Incorporating blogs, video games, and social media into education increases not only access…
Teacher Collaboration With Twitter
Twitter is a fantastic resource for teachers to collaborate with other educators…
Why Students Should Be Encouraged For Social Media?
A lot of criticism has been leveled to social media in education and…