panOpen to Empower Faculty and Schools to Realize the Potential of OERs
Gone are the days when everything was limited to only textbooks.
Offline Distribution of Openly Licensed Educational Content for Low-resource Settings
Technology is playing a great role in the education sector.
Knovation’s Icurio For a Better Approach to Education
Tech integration in education has helped in getting access to unlimited information…
[Infographic] The Pros and Cons of Open Education
Open Education is the institutional practices and initiatives that broaden access to learning…
Why are MOOCs and OERs Must for Higher Education Leaders
In the past few years, the interest in MOOCs has surged. MOOCs or…
5 Most Important EdTech Trends of 2015
2015 is well underway, which means we can make safe predictions as…
9 Videos You Must Watch to Learn More About OER (Open Educational Resources)
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are a type of educational materials that have…
Standing on the Shoulder of Giants – A Business Case around the use of OER
OER – The Game Changer I wonder if Einstein was not examining…
Major Obstacle for the Next Generation of OER Projects
OER Research Hub project, in the second year, has witnessed collaboration with…
OER for Enrichment of Academic Life in Indian Universities
1.Transformation Potential of OER Open Educational Resources (OER) -- teaching, learning, and…