Top Tweets and Resources of the Week for Teachers and Leaders (October #1)
Check out some of the best resources and tweets for Educators on educational…
Top Tweets and Resources of the Week for Teachers and Leaders (September #2)
Check out this great collection of tweets and resources for teachers and…
Teaching with Augmented Reality: It’s Here
One month into the 2014-2015 school year, my students and I are…
Great Collection of iPad Apps for Elementary Classrooms
Technology very well supports a 21st century educator in her instruction, which…
The iPad Summit – Call for Presenters | New Delhi, India
Have you been using iPads in your classroom and have some ideas…
List of 49 EdTech Products (Categorized) Loved by Educators
Educational technologies help students, educators, administrators and parents enhance learning outcomes. Different…
Leo’s Pad: Series of Interactive Animated Stories for Preschoolers
Leo’s Pad is a sequence of animated stories for preschoolers made by…
Create Grids of Short Discussion-Style Questions With FlipGrid
Flipgrid is a unique platform designed by teachers, for teachers at the…
Otus: Everything Students and Teachers Need in One App!
Choosing and prioritizing between thousands of apps available over the web and…
Flipping Tools for Success: 10 iPad Apps for Digital Classroom Management
Teachers considering the benefits of flipping the classroom and have an iPad…