Why Should Schools Run a Blog For Their Students and Teachers?
Most of the educational institutions maintain an official website in order to…
How Can We Promote Teacher Collaboration
The attitude of professional privacy is most prevalent among teachers. When it…
Can Technology Further Improve a Lesson that is Already Effective?
As we know about Titanic, a fictionalized account of the sinking of…
10 Tips for Improving Your Kid’s Reading Skills
Reading skills are among the most fundamental and vital learning skills. These…
[Checklist] Are You Ready To Use iPads in School?
iPads are among the most sought after and popular technological devices today.…
Best Practices by Teachers for the Flipped Classroom
The Flipped Classroom approach is been widely implemented in schools and colleges…
Ken Kay “Leading 21st Century Districts: A View 10 Years Out”
Ken Kay, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, E-Luminate Group, and President, Partnership…
Are Trained Teachers the Missing Link in EdTech?
Implementation of EdTech in schools, colleges and other educational institutions cannot be…
How to Find the Best MOOCs for Yourself?
The trend of MOOCs has become exceedingly popular as they attract all…
Why Chromebooks Are a Good Option for 1:1?
1:1 learning or one-to-one learning is an approach where each learner has…