Some Great Practices of Tech Savvy Educational Leaders
A lot of schools have learning technologies and EdTech tools, but what…
Dos and Don’ts for EdTech Startups Before Selling to Schools
It is not easy for EdTech startups to help customers understand what…
What Policy Makers Must Know About Visionary Education Policies
Education is the fuel that drives economic growth and social progress. Education…
How to Connect your Classroom to the World?
Learning that is restricted to the four walls of a classroom cannot…
How Can Students Demonstrate their Knowledge in a Fun Way?
Demonstrating what they’ve learned helps students develop their independence as learners. Online…
First School in the Cloud Takes Shape in India
New Delhi, 4th Feb’14: India’s first ‘School in the Cloud’ facility is…
Hard to Imagine When Need for Education Revolution Has Been Greater
It is hard to imagine a time when the opportunity and need…
[Tips for Administrators] How to Build a Culture of Mentorship and Support in the School
A sound and effective school culture is one where mentorship and support…
Dos and Don’ts for Creating a School Culture for EdTech
The intense pace of innovation in EdTech leaves us thinking about ways…
An Introduction to Open Learnware: Interview with Mahendra Pratap, CEO
Mahendra has a distinguished background as a scientist and as an entrepreneur.…