Calling for Participation | The Global Learning XPRIZE
XPRIZE designs incentivized prize competitions facilitating exponential change that can impact billions of lives…
Enabling the Role of ICTs in Distance Learning Education Programs
The need for ICTs in primary education is important as it creates…
National Award for School Teachers for use of ICT in Education 2015 – Apply Now!
The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India invites nominations…
Free Course on Using ICTs to Enrich Teaching And Learning
Teachers are critical to any education system and if the Millennium Development Goals…
Enriching Tomorrow: eLearning Africa 2015 Returns to Ethiopia
Rebecca Stromeyer, CEO of ICWE GmbH and Founder of eLearning Africa, joined…
Fostering Technological Industries in Developing States
Development is constantly fueled by innovation. The Commission on Science and Technology for Development…
[Infographic] What ICT Challenges Do Teachers Face?
ICT based educational learning is increasing. With the growth in its use…
Integrating Information And Communication Technologies Into Sustainable Development And Education Programs In Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs)
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) outlines within its Human Development Report…
Using ICTs to Increase the Effectiveness of Education
Introduction to ICTs: Information communication technologies (ICTs) are akin to information technology (IT),…
Digital Educational Resources Can Change the Way You Teach
Today educational resources are working as the heart of the noble profession…