India’s Best Emphasise The Need for Reimagining Education in India
At, DOT, the recently concluded education conclave, Ajit Rangnekar, the former dean of…
Internet of Things: Is the New Game Changer for Education
It is a common observation that (IOT) Internet of things will soon…
Challenging the Traditional Role of Education by Breaking Boundaries and Building Bridges
The role of education is not just about gaining academic knowledge.
Importance of Education Conferences in Securing New Businesses
What a timely post! We have our flagship international edtech event this…
Last Few days to Apply for the Education Innovation Mentorship Program
The problem highlighted by the recent Annual Status of Education Report 2016,…
OEB GLOBAL: Experts to Debate the Effect of Social Media on Student Brains
As concern grows about the effects of social media and the Internet…
EdTechReview Summit & Expo 2018: India’s Biggest Gathering in EdTech
EdTechReview announces its 2018 Summit, Expo, Pitch & Awards to be held at…
Indonesia to Double Spend on Mobile Learning as Apps Gain Widespread Use
Jakarta, Indonesia; 07 August 2017 – Indonesia is among the top countries…
K12 Events India Tour 2017, 1000+ schools to attend
Our niche events in the past have been an outstanding success which…
‘GRILLING’ in Iceland for Higher Education Experts
Two of the Edtech industry’s most outspoken commentators will be interrogated about…