BYOD Projectors to Redefine the Way You Communicate in Classroom
Today, students across the country want the latest technology to be integrated…
What is Play-Way Method of Learning?
Play-way method of learning is a complete package that enables overall development…
Super Simple Ways to Keep Tech-Savvy Students Engaged
Keeping students engaged in class has always been a struggle for instructors.
Learn To Play and Play To Learn – A Distinguished Lecture Hosted By UNESCO MGIEP on Gaming in Education
Can learning be made fun and experiential? In UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute…
Connecting Student Engagement and Neuroscience
A common issue observed in classrooms nowadays is the absence of engagement…
Free Games for Classroom Engagement
Games are no more outdoor activity in schools and have slowly become…
Factors Sparking Engagement in Online Learning
Disengagement from learning is a critical issue, so teachers have long been…
4 Ways To Increase Practical Participation in Online Learning
The Need for Involved Learning
Key Online Course Design Features That Influence Student Performance
Increasing number of students are opting for online courses to complete their…