EdTech Startup Plans to Help Students and Educators Use Open Data Effectively
It's not a new thing to know that there's a lot of…
Promising EdTech Startups Selected in the 2014 Pearson Catalyst Program
This year in Pearson Catalyst program over 200 startups from 34 countries had…
NMC Horizon Report 2014 K-12 – Summary and Full Report
The NMC and the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN), with the support…
Over-the-Counter Data: Don’t Swallow Anything without a Label
Due to monetary and time constraints, it is not always possible to…
Khan Academy’s New Learning Dashboard
The biggest change that Khan Academy has ever made in its history…
Khan Academy’s New Learning Dashboard
The biggest change that Khan Academy has ever made in its history…
Beyond Band Aid: Tech Brings New Ways to Use Data for Social Good
Technology has changed the way we do just about everything. For Karnataka…
VlinksMedia: Using User Data to Personalize Online Courses
With the evolution of technologies there is a revolution in the methodologies…
EdTech Trends by Juan Lopez-Valcarcel, Chief Digital Officer, Pearson
There is no doubt in saying that technology can improve effectiveness of…
5 Great EdTech Companies Working On Educational Data
Student performance will be estimated by several quantities like marks in a…