Education Investment Trends in China – 2018
According to the statistics, 242 financing cases took place in the primary…
Africa’s First Education Technology Incubator Opens Applications For Second Cohort
On 1 March Injini - the first EdTech dedicated incubator on the…
EdTech Investments in Asia – Last Two Quarters 2017
Edtech sector in 2017 has tracked a lot of funds down the…
EDUGILD Conducts ‘AURORA’ – An International Edtech Immersion Summit
A first of its kind edtech startup summit bringing the entire edtech…
[Report] EdTech Investments in Asia – First Two Quarters 2017
EdTech sector has been blooming and the potential of the market is huge.
EdTech: A Promising Industry In Europe
Over the last few years, edtech scenario has changed rapidly and the…
Significant Growth of EdTech in Africa
Education is a global problem but in Africa it is more acute.
A Look into EdTech in India & Few Factors Driving The Growth
Education is the promising sector to expand in India.
Running a Social Enterprise in Education: Great Tips & Examples
As we grow old the aspirations of becoming doctors, teachers and do…
The Driving Forces Behind China’s Fast EdTech Growth
In the recent 5 years, China has enjoyed a rapid growth in…