What is Play-Way Method of Learning?
Play-way method of learning is a complete package that enables overall development…
How Technology Affects Early Child Development?
In the digital age, one does find children as early as two…
Magikbee Launches Primary School Edition of kiddZtube Academy
Platform enables teachers to add quiz questions to YouTube videos and provides…
Important Tips on Introducing Coding into Elementary Curriculum
It’s no big secret that computer programming drives innovation across the globe.
Last Few days to Apply for the Education Innovation Mentorship Program
The problem highlighted by the recent Annual Status of Education Report 2016,…
EdTech Platform Kiddztube Academy Gets A+ From Preschool Teachers
Platform enables teachers to augment YouTube with educational quizzes
Math Learning Will Never Be The Same With Zapzapmath
Mathematics happens to be one subject we happen to use always in…
Importance of Pre and Primary Learning for Younger Learners
Do you love children? Do you have the passion and the urge…
5 Must Have iPad Apps for Preschool and Kindergarten
Kids today are tech savvy and it seems as if they are…
Kids Have Fun with the Gamified Learning App ‘Playablo’
Children today are tech savvy and can’t stay away from their smart…