Top Resources For Students To Create A Digital Portfolio
Digital portfolios are excellent teaching, learning, and evaluation tools. According to Arter…
Digital Safety Tips For Parents
In addition to running a global technology company, I am a father…
Wakelet: The Digital Curation Platform You Must Check Out
Google a topic you want to study and the results you will…
Is It OK For My Kid To Start Her Own YouTube Channel?
Amongst all the parental talks, you might have come across a kid’s…
Showcase: A Student-owned Digital Portfolio
A student has many essential things such as documents, certificates, assignments, essays,…
Videos to Help You Teach Students the Importance of Digital Footprints
As we see today digital crime is almost exploding in ways that…
Why I Needed A Website While I Was Still A Student
When you are a student, there are so many things you need…
Principles to Live by in Online and Offline World
Leading in the digital age is not rocket science.
Protect Your Kids with This Parent’s Guide On Internet Safety
I believe that the largest planet is the online planet. The immense…
EdTech Startup OnPowerWeb Helping Students to Build Positive Digital Footprint
Digital footprint and reputation are part of digital citizenship which is agreed…