Apps To Boost Teachers’ Professional Growth
We can witness the professional growth when educators are being able to…
Games for Language Learning You will Enjoy!
With globalization, learning two or more language has been in vogue.
Top Phonic Apps and Tools You Must Consider
Before teaching the elementary learners to start reading, it is important to…
Amazing Ways Teachers Use Padlet
Padlet is a free application to create an online bulletin board so…
Apps For Educators Using Google Classroom
Google Classroom is the new thing for educators.
Top Apps that Promote Higher Order Thinking
The concept Higher Order Thinking (HOT) is fast gaining importance in modern…
Android and iPad Apps for Multiple Intelligences
The theory of Multiple Intelligence as coined by well-known cognitive scientist Howard…
5 Digital Storytelling Apps for Elementary Students With iOS Devices
There is immense power in storytelling and that is one thing students…
5 Must Have iPad Apps for Preschool and Kindergarten
Kids today are tech savvy and it seems as if they are…
Education Enterprise’s One Stop Solution: DigiMKey
We see that technologies have redefined the way learning-teaching happens.