ScreenChomp: The iPad App to Record. Sketch. Share!
ScreenChomp is a free doodling app for iPad that lets you create…
HelloTalk Foreign Language Exchange App – Intuitive Tools to Explore for Language Learning
Learning foreign language comprises of developing four main competencies namely, oral and…
Reader Exclusive Offer: An All-In-One Digital Workspace For Effective And Enjoyable Classroom Collaboration, Planning And Management
In today’s digital age it seems inevitable that the classroom will transform into…
Teachers Have A Lot to Do: Key Apps to Keep Things Organized
Teaching, the profession with multiple tasks! Be it the classroom management, managing…
[Infographic] Parenting Teenagers: Best Apps for Parents to Monitor and Guide
Check out this beautiful infographic to know about:
Tech Solutions to Bridge Literacy and Numeracy Gaps in India
Infosys Co-Founder and the mind behind the India’s Massive Unique Identification Aadhaar…
Educational Products and Apps With Millions of Users Each
What is a great way to know about the performance of any…
Pre-Schools are Embracing an App to Engage their Parents
Parents of preschoolers are like the Amazon jingle when it comes to…
3 Suggestions for Essential Apps for ESL Students in Higher Education
Apps are useful and practical a lot of times and young people…
10 Android Apps Geography Teachers Must Know
Geography: the field of science! It gets difficult to teach students about…