Amazing Video on Technology Integration in the Classroom
Integrating technology in the classroom is the best way to strength the…
Singapore’s 21st Century Teaching Strategies
Since gaining sovereignty in 1965, Singapore has become one of the world’s…
Things Every Principal and Administrator Must Know To Be a Digital Leader
Eric Sheninger- author of Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times says, "Leadership…
Bett Asia Leadership Summit, Dec 3-4 2014, Singapore
The inaugural Bett Asia Leadership Summit is a cutting-edge conference that will…
List of Great and Free Educational Events by Learning is the umbrella project for the events from the Classroom 2.0,…
11 Amazing Sources for Online Professional Development for Teachers
Professional development means preparing an individual for their professional role, so that,…
How Principal Leadership Can Impact Student Achievement
In his book “The Principal: Three Keys to Maximizing Impact” Michael Fullan wastes no…
What is a Professional Learning Community (PLC)?
A professional learning community, or PLC, is a group of educators that meets regularly,…
There’s A Lot You Can Learn From This Passionate Tech Savvy Educator
We have Sabba Quidwai with us to talk about the 1:1 program…
EdTech Implementation Guide – Part 2: Creating a Tech Integration Plan and Roadmap
This is the second of the three part article series about EdTech…