Saniya Khan

I am Saniya Khan, Copy-Editor at EdTechReview - India’s leading edtech media. As a part of the group, my aim is to spread awareness on the growing edtech market by guiding all educational stakeholders on latest and quality news, information and resources. A voraciously curious writer with a dedication to excellence creates interesting yet informational pieces, playing with words since 2016.
254 Articles

Strategies to Rejuvenate Your Teaching

Teaching is one of the most challenging work in the world. It…

Saniya Khan Saniya Khan

How Can Immersive Technology Champion the 4Cs of Learning?

There is a growing consensus among experts that immersive technologies offer extraordinary…

Saniya Khan Saniya Khan

Cyber Hygiene Practices During the Rise of e-Learning

In the light of COVID-19, districts have moved to remote learning in…

Saniya Khan Saniya Khan

Remote Teaching Concerns that Educators Need to Solve

Governments around the world have temporarily closed educational institutions in an attempt…

Saniya Khan Saniya Khan

Is Flipped Learning Effective? What Does Research Say About it?

Flipped Learning has become a very popular instructional model in the world…

Saniya Khan Saniya Khan

Strategies to Support Special Educators as Kids Learn From Home

The closure of schools due to coronavirus pandemic has forced teachers and…

Saniya Khan Saniya Khan

What is SQ3R?

SQ3R or SQRRR is the acronym for survey, question, read, recite, and…

Saniya Khan Saniya Khan

How to Support Students Without Internet Access At Home

In an effort to help stop the spread of COVID-19, schools across…

Saniya Khan Saniya Khan

Top Meditation Apps to Use in Classroom

Meditation has been there since the inception of mankind.

Saniya Khan Saniya Khan

Free University Video Conferencing Solutions

Several educational institutions have adopted smart teaching and learning solutions by employing…

Saniya Khan Saniya Khan