Great Tools for Creating Your Own Educational Infographics
Visual communication has great impact. Communicating visually is the most effective means…
Great Education Insights by Prof. Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra is well- known for his "Hole in the Wall" experiment,…
Be As Great Online As You Are in Class with Smart Sparrow
So you’re a great teacher, you love what you do. You always…
13 TED Talks That You Would Love Being a Teacher
TED is a perfect platform for spreading various ideas including ideas about…
Learn How to Use iPad Effectively in Your Classroom
Have you ever thought of using iPads in your classroom? iPads as…
5 Great iPad Apps for Classroom Management
More students present in the classroom, the more time teachers have to…
5 Amazing Digital Storytelling Apps for Kids With iPad
Digital storytelling is the best tool for the classroom to engage students…
11 Amazing Sources for Online Professional Development for Teachers
Professional development means preparing an individual for their professional role, so that,…
10 Principles to Consider When Introducing ICTs into Remote, Low-Income Educational Environments
The potential uses of information and communication technologies -- ICTs -- are…
[Tips for Teachers] Learn Everything About EduCreations
Today, there are a number of apps available to help educators. Here,…