Priyanka Gupta

Priyanka is an experienced edtech blogger with a passion for improving education through technology. She writes thought-provoking and informative articles on the latest trends and developments in the edtech space. Through her engaging writing style and insightful analysis, readers gain a deeper understanding of how technology is transforming the way we learn and teach. From AI-powered learning platforms to gamification and conventional teaching strategies in the 21st century, Priyanka covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to educators, students, and anyone interested in the future of education.
667 Articles

5 Popular Websites to Get Free Audio Ebooks

Digitization of books have made it easier for the readers to fulfill…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Educational Products and Apps With Millions of Users Each

What is a great way to know about the performance of any…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Great Online Resources and Tools for Physics Teachers

Bringing physics to life in order to create engaging sessions for students…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

What is Doing Differently for the Online Tutoring Space?

Started in 2011, this Tokyo-based educational startup provides online lessons. 

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

7 Great Easy to Use Tools for Student Assessment and Grading

Teachers need to know what their students know in order to help…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

10 Android Apps Geography Teachers Must Know

Geography: the field of science! It gets difficult to teach students about…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

5 Tools for Collaboration Teachers Must Be Using By Now

With the increasing connectivity around the world, things are getting better. “Two…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

13 Indian EdTech Startups That Raised Millions to provide Millions with World-class Education

EdTech is changing the face of education and that can be seen…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Android and iOS Apps any English Teacher Must Know

English is a global language & teachers who are engaged in teaching…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

4 Steps for Successful School Improvement in the 21st Century

Successful schools continue to identify the need of the hour and change…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta