Priyanka Gupta

Priyanka is an experienced edtech blogger with a passion for improving education through technology. She writes thought-provoking and informative articles on the latest trends and developments in the edtech space. Through her engaging writing style and insightful analysis, readers gain a deeper understanding of how technology is transforming the way we learn and teach. From AI-powered learning platforms to gamification and conventional teaching strategies in the 21st century, Priyanka covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to educators, students, and anyone interested in the future of education.
667 Articles

How Pixar in a Box is Helping School Kids to Learn Animation (and Subjects in the Process)

Ever got fascinated with Pixar’s definitely loved characters?

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

8 Apps to Help Teachers and Leaders Be More Organized

Teachers and leaders have multiple roles. And multiple roles = multiple tasks.…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

How Prowise May Help You Push Boundaries of Learning With Every Lesson

Prowise firmly believes that there product is the future in digital screens…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Hong Kong Based Educational Technology Startups You Must Know About

Technology is transforming the way of traditional teaching and learning in all…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Biteable: The “Make Your Own Video” Tool for Teachers to Explore

Adding videos to aid teaching is done by most teachers to create…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Watch And Show Videos Without Distractions With Free Tool Watchkin

Online teaching is a great way to keep your class interested in…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

4 Tools to Host and Record Video Conferences That You Must Know

You have the obvious reasons to host video conferences online; people are from…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

4 Tools to Host and Record Video Conferences That You Must Know

You have the obvious reasons to host video conferences online; people are from…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Fun Physics Learning Game for Middle Schoolers

It is very rare that we get to see education and enjoyment…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

List Of EdTech Events You Must Look Forward, To End The Year At Its Best

Here's a list of EdTech events you must look forward, to end the…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta