Great Videos to Learn About Innovative Teacher Professional Development
It’s strange how we often ignore the most important aspect of education…
Amazing Language Learning Apps for iPad
Ability to speak multiple languages is one of the best thing to…
panOpen to Empower Faculty and Schools to Realize the Potential of OERs
Gone are the days when everything was limited to only textbooks.
Top Web Resources to Motivate Kids for Maker Education
Maker education is where kids learn by doing! The processes of making…
Must Have Resource to Inspire Every Child to Have an Entrepreneurial Spirit
We see kids aspiring to be astronauts, sportsmen, scientists, doctors and what…
YouTube Channels You Must Follow To Get Your English Right
Below are some fantastic YouTube channels which can help you master your…
Tools, Tips & Resources Teachers Must Know to Learn About Gamification of Education
It's sad that learning by default is considered to be a non…
What is Student Centered Learning?
Student centered learning or learner centered learning comprises of methods and strategies…
Do You Know of a Free Multilingual Plagiarism Checker Yet? Try Plagramme
Plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work…
Why KidzType Can Be Your Online Typing School
With the growth in apps, tools and resources there is a huge…