Some Interesting “BYOD in Education” Statistics You Must Know
One of the popular trends in education sector worldwide is to Bring…
Apps and Tools That Aid Reading Through Augmented Reality
How cool it would be to not just read but experience the…
[Whitepaper] The B2B and B2C Battle in EdTech Globally
If you look around the current scenario of EdTech community you will…
Teach & Learn from Everywhere in the Classroom Using Google Cast for Education
Google has been changing the dimensions of technology ever since it has…
5 Things Policymakers Must Keep in Mind While Working on Educational Policy
Principles set by legislators for the best working of education sector including…
Use QuoDeck to Create Mobile Learning Content Easily and Quickly
QuoDeck is an end to end tool which allows one to create…
Top Resources on Educational Movies Every Educator and Parent Must Know
Movies are a great source for fun.
EdTech Investments in Asia in First Two Quarters of 2016
EdTech sector has been blooming and the potential of the market is…
Loved Android Apps That Science Teachers Must Know
Turn your android phone into your personal assistant in your classroom with…
Some Interesting Statistics on Flipped Learning You Must Know
Flipped Learning is a methodology that permits teachers to execute a procedure,…