Priyanka Gupta

Priyanka is an experienced edtech blogger with a passion for improving education through technology. She writes thought-provoking and informative articles on the latest trends and developments in the edtech space. Through her engaging writing style and insightful analysis, readers gain a deeper understanding of how technology is transforming the way we learn and teach. From AI-powered learning platforms to gamification and conventional teaching strategies in the 21st century, Priyanka covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to educators, students, and anyone interested in the future of education.
667 Articles

Characteristics of a Next-Gen Teaching-Learning Space

Heading into the 21st century the transformation in the classroom will be…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Apps For Educators Using Google Classroom

Google Classroom is the new thing for educators.

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

How Early Must Foreign Language Learning Begin?

Language learning is one skill that will never get out of demand.

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Why Institutions Must Go Paperless in Their Management

Technology in hands now is making our functions easier and surprisingly environment…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Why Blended Models Are Essential To Teach Students The Core Values

We all know that blended models allow the educators to experiment in…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Tips for Schools to Lessen Educators’ Workload

The responsibility of being a teacher can’t be put into words!

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

5 Digital Storytelling Apps for Elementary Students With iOS Devices

There is immense power in storytelling and that is one thing students…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

[Tool for Teachers] PowToon in the Classroom

There is no doubt about the fact that kids are inclined towards…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

5 Must Have iPad Apps for Preschool and Kindergarten

Kids today are tech savvy and it seems as if they are…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

How is Artificial Intelligence Shaping eLearning

eLearning and artificial Intelligence, both of these tech practices have been deeply…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta