State and Scope of Online Education In India
A lot of buzz has been around the concept of online education…
Most Demanded Skills and Jobs for 2018
In the past we spoke on how technology is not the only…
Startup Helping With Virtual Face-to-Face Mock Interviews for Students and Job Seekers
There comes a stage when we all have to come out in…
Questions To Ask Before Starting With Video Coaching
Video Coaching is one thing that is being taken up by a…
5 Significant Fundraising by European EdTech Companies in Late 2017
“The UK ranks No1 in educational technology venture capital and angel funding…
Math Learning Will Never Be The Same With Zapzapmath
Mathematics happens to be one subject we happen to use always in…
EdTech Startups Impacting the Indonesian Education Market
According to Anies Baswedan, the nation’s minister of education and culture, Indonesia…
What’s the Future for Mobile Devices in Education?
Mobile devices have revolutionized things completely and education also had a big…
Major Challenges for Technology Integration in the Classrooms
When we talk about technology for education we do come across numerous…
Characteristics of Effective Learning Feedback
The importance of feedback is known to all.