Priyanka Gupta

Priyanka is an experienced edtech blogger with a passion for improving education through technology. She writes thought-provoking and informative articles on the latest trends and developments in the edtech space. Through her engaging writing style and insightful analysis, readers gain a deeper understanding of how technology is transforming the way we learn and teach. From AI-powered learning platforms to gamification and conventional teaching strategies in the 21st century, Priyanka covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to educators, students, and anyone interested in the future of education.
667 Articles

A Comprehensive List of Home-School Resources, Curriculum & Lesson Plans

Home-schooling comes with a lot of research and curation from the guardian's…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

What Is Homeschooling?

Homeschooling is a common concept in many countries where school-aged children get an…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Aasoka – Complete App For Your School’s Digital Learning Journey

"Technology can never replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

List Of Free Online Programming Courses For Beginners

If you are keen to learn coding with absolutely no idea where…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Key To Success In Online Learning – Traits Of An Online Learner

It's been a year now that the novel coronavirus spread made people…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Understanding Different Types Of Online Education

Students have been fortunate to be living in times where education and…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

How Have Teachers Globally Responded To The Pandemic?

The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 led to the shuttering of schools globally.

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Workplace Learning Trends For 2021

Every new year, we are introduced to new learning and job trends for the…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta

Strategies For Teachers To Manage Stress And Boost Student Well-Being

“Stress is something that's created in mind. It's how we look at…

Priyanka Gupta Priyanka Gupta