kumar snehansu

16 Articles

How is a 21st Century Kindergarten Classroom Like?

“A 15-year-old who broke into over 250 websites.” “A 14-year-old broke into…

kumar snehansu kumar snehansu

Power of Social media in Education

The words “Social media” is enough to bring upon a smile on…

kumar snehansu kumar snehansu

Impact of Digital Games on Student Learning

How will you feel if I say that the digital game you…

kumar snehansu kumar snehansu

Why Teachers Who Use Technology Will Replace Teachers Who Don’t?

Imagine two scenarios, first teacher enters into the class, pushes a remote…

kumar snehansu kumar snehansu

Using Technology in Elementary Education

Yesterday while surfing on the internet, I came across a blog. This…

kumar snehansu kumar snehansu

How can BYOD in Education Improve Student Learning?

In the early 90’s in India there was one question, which was…

kumar snehansu kumar snehansu