Editorial Team

EdTechReview (ETR) is a premier media platform and community for educational stakeholders to connect and find useful news, information and resources on educational technology having a niche subscriber base of 120K+ and an annual readership of 3M+ from over 220 countries and territories across the globe.
1378 Articles

Students liking free Online Lectures

 Nicholas Presnell has two professors for linear algebra: one official and one…

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Distance Education v/s Face to Face Education

Education involves social and cultural learning In the urban landscape, the relatively…

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Tools for Personalized Learning

Teachers have always known that a typical class of two dozen or…

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EdTech in Present Society

We need technology in every classroom & in every student & teacher’s…

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Improving Higher Education Using Social Media

Studies have concluded that social engagement can benefit retention efforts, and schools…

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Social Technology for Learning

Students live on Facebook. So study tools that act like social networks…

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Parent’s Guide: Resources for Learning

Whether it's called "social and emotional learning" or "emotional intelligence," most people…

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MOOC’S helping/replacing Textbooks ??

Colleges aren't the only enterprises interested in the possibilities of free, online…

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Flipped Classroom Yes or No

Flipping the classroom is a technology-enabled technique that can make a significant…

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Educational Transformation by Educators

Many schools and teachers are currently stuck in a confusing gap between…

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