What is Flipped Classroom?
Flipped classroom is a classroom in which students view the lecture components of…
Microsoft Word – Document Editor, Viewer
Description: - Microsoft Word is a word processor that allows a user to create…
MindMeister – Mind Mapping Tool
Description:-. MindMeister is an online mind mapping and collaboration platform that runs…
Think Hard About Learning, Teaching and Schooling
Here is an insight what Scott McLeod shared with us about…
[Infographic] Growth of Distance Learning in Higher Education
Distance and online learning has picked up the pace big time. For-profits…
Educator’s Checklist of 9 Podcasts
A perfect checklist for teachers and educators to be inspired and be…
Best Online Resources For Budding Writers
Writing requires a variety of resources to be considered successful. Modern Internet…
NMC Horizon Report 2013 Higher Education- Summary and Full Report
The NMC Horizon Report 2013 (Higher Education Edition) Report is out and…
QuizStar – Online Quiz Maker
Description:- QuizStar is a free, online quiz maker application that allows you to manage…
LiveBinder – Online File Uploader
Description:- Livebinder is a free online binder which allows users to upload PDF…