Editorial Team

EdTechReview (ETR) is a premier media platform and community for educational stakeholders to connect and find useful news, information and resources on educational technology having a niche subscriber base of 120K+ and an annual readership of 3M+ from over 220 countries and territories across the globe.
1378 Articles

[Infographic] Dos and Don’ts for Online Learners

Online Learning is often a tremendously valuable and convenient way to achieve…

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[Interactive Infographic] History of Social Media

Social Media has it own pros and cons , but mostly pros…

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edcanvas – digital content creator

Description:- EdCanvas is a web based tool providing digital content creation, sharing…

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Socrative: Formative Assessment Tool For Your Classroom

Socrative is an cloud based student response system for use with laptops,…

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Webinar: Wiki Makes Online Collaboration Simple

Date: Monday, May 13, 2013 @ 5:00:00 PM EDT Duration: 0.5 hr…

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Zondle – Game Based Learning Platform for Kids

  Description:- Zondle is a GBL (Game Based Learning) platform focused on…

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[Infographic] Areas of Technology That Educators Should Know for Making the Digital Jump

Technology is an important aspect of 21st century education. Educators must be…

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Code.org – Computer Programming Resource Network

  Description:- Code.org is an online platform or we can say, it…

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2013 Education Calendar of Events – HigherEd, K-12, EdTech, and Professional Development

Below is a list of educational events in the year of 2013.…

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Tips to Integrate Technology in Classrooms

In earlier days of education, in “GURUKULA” system, the pupil stays with…

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