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EdTechReview (ETR) is a premier media platform and community for educational stakeholders to connect and find useful news, information and resources on educational technology having a niche subscriber base of 120K+ and an annual readership of 3M+ from over 220 countries and territories across the globe.
1378 Articles

Reasons for Slow Adoption of Gamification in Education

We are all aware about the growth of Education technology. We almost…

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What Parents and Students say about Use of Technology in Education

Technology if used effectively can have a great impact on education. And…

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What One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) Project has Accomplished in 7 years?

Nearly seven years ago, Nicholas Negroponte unveiled his plan for $100 laptop…

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Selecting Digital Content For Your Educational Institution

As blended learning content continues to grow, it is becoming very difficult…

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Voki as an Edtool: Voki for your Classroom

Voki is a good tool which can be used in education, and…

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[Infographic] War of Two Great iOS Math apps: King of Math vs. Mathmateer

War between two great iOS math gaming apps, King of Math and…

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How to Help Students with Online Resources

This is a guest post by Ramanatha Sastry.D, Coordinator, Curriculum Research and…

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Bring Your Own Device: Pros and Cons

Thousands of schools and companies around the world are going "BYOD" to…

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Blogging in Classroom: Steps and Benefits

Blogging has emerged as an important and significant digital space in this…

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Vocabulary.com – Adaptive and Effective Vocabulary Enhancement Platform

  Description:- Vocabulary.com is an online platform to help you learn words, their…

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