Editorial Team

EdTechReview (ETR) is a premier media platform and community for educational stakeholders to connect and find useful news, information and resources on educational technology having a niche subscriber base of 120K+ and an annual readership of 3M+ from over 220 countries and territories across the globe.
1378 Articles

How is Technology Transforming Education?

Technology, slowly but surely, is transforming education and making teaching more than…

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Tips for Teachers: The Art of Storytelling and Digital Tools To Practice It

Education is not only about the written medium, the oral mode also…

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What is 3D Printing?

3D printing is a process of making a three-dimensional solid object of…

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How Students Adapt to Online Learning

Online learning and online education is picking up across the globe in…

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How Tablets Are Influencing The Way We Teach and How our Students Learn

Fortunately technology is making education affordable and accessible anywhere and at any…

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Key Findings – What Teachers Think About Game Based Learning

In recent years, Games have long been an effective way to engage…

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With Technology Anywhere You Want to Learn is Your Classroom

The classroom is an important space for both the teacher and student…

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The Benefits of Digital Storytelling for Teachers and Students

We are familiar with traditional storytelling, but digital storytelling is a rather…

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Webinar: Digital Storytelling with GlogsterEDU

Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2013 at 9:00 AM (EDT) Categories: Multimedia Lesson,…

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[Infographic] The Evolution of Online Learning

Most of the people think that online education is a recent creation.…

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