How Can Use of Game Elements Motivate Students?
Are you a teacher who feels that a game weakens the performance…
How Smartphone Apps Are Ruling the Modern Academics
Smartphones are currently ruling the world. When you step out of the…
EdTech Books Every Educator Must Know About
Books are valuable assets that should exist in every household. The more…
What is Project-Based Learning (PBL)?
Project-based learning (PBL) is a dynamic approach to teaching in which students…
Why engVid is an Amazing Resource for English Language Learners
In this age of globalization, English language has emerged as a clear…
OpenCurriculum: Create, Access and Share K-12 Educational Content
A non-profit organization that works for the welfare and need for education,…
Best Chrome Extensions for Language Learners
The world we live in is rapidly growing into an enormous melting…
Participate in Creation of the Mobile #OER for English
As it’s first published in the online session “OER and Mobile Learning…