A Great Learning Platform to Gain Employability Skills
Are you looking for the best platform to learn and nourish your…
Teaching Online & Blended Learning Course
Learning today takes place anywhere and anytime. To meet the needs of…
Course on Creative 21st Century Lesson Plans
For the busy educator, the Make & Take Lesson Plans eCourse series…
READ Alliance – Early Grade Reading Innovation Challenge 2014
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in collaboration with the Center for Knowledge Societies (CKS) formally launched the READ…
Pearson Catalyst for Education 2014: Have You Applied?
Pearson is accepting application for their 2014 Pearson Catalyst for Education. Pearson Catalyst for…
BiblioNasium – Reading Community for Kids Releases New Upgrades
BiblioNasium, the fastest growing digital social network that supports and promotes the…
How to use Udemy to Flip Your Classroom
Enhance learning and boost student achievement in your classroom by using free…
Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom
'Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom' explains the critical place of emotional intelligence…
How to Use Online Video to Flip the Classroom
Providing practical classroom examples and step-by-step instruction,this flipped classroom video making course will…
Thinking Skills for Students
Thinking Skills is a critical element in developing students' independence. In this…