C. M. Rubin

103 Articles

How Teachups Can Help Teachers Stay Relevant

“With TeachUps, educators will fully reap the benefits of the 21st century’s…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

Things You Need to Know About PISA Test

“If we look at countries like Singapore, Canada, Estonia, Japan and Finland,…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

Why Students Matter & What Young Teachers Must Know About Education in Difficult Communities

“I want readers to walk away understanding that education requires a holistic…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

How to Integrate the Development of Essential Skills Into the Curriculum

“Employers have to remain involved in making their needs heard, and education…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

Why Does Character Education Matter?

It used to be that character education was the prerogative of parents/families,…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

What Global Teacher Bloggers Have to Say on Learning With The Arts

Have you ever noticed how integrating the Arts with traditional subjects can…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

What Does It Mean To Be a Great School Principal?

“New sets of skills such as team work, innovation and creativity are…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

The Changing Role of United Nations with Globalization

“We not only neglect to teach the UN in its proper context…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

Charles Fadel Discusses What Knowledge is Relevant in a 21st Century Curriculum

“We are taking the trends identified by futurists and economists, and connecting…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

What is “Four-Dimensional” Education?

“Our framework is a result of the analysis and synthesis of research…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin