C. M. Rubin

103 Articles

Who’s Working on Keeping Our Data Safe?

“We’re working on two areas to improve confidentiality of cloud computing.”  —…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

How Financially Literate Is Your 15-Year-Old?

“The more that financial education initiatives are developed, both in and outside…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

Julia Gillard Shares Her Vision for Education in Australia

“It is not simply enough to pour money into our schools: that…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

Hey Millennials – Are You Loving the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

It’s called the economy of life-long learning – aka the digital age,…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

New Vision for Assessment Based on the Job Market Demands

“The key for businesses is to explain their needs crisply, as they…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

A New Model and Method for Student Assessment – Part 1

“It’s easier to create a statistically valid test for content or for…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

Marc Tucker Shares Insights on Skills Needed for the Global Economy

 “A growing number of other countries are turning out entire high school…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

Sanni Grahn-Laasonen Shares Finland’s Vision for Education

“Professional, highly-trained and highly respected teachers are a key factor in our…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

How Important is it To Help Students Cultivate Their Own ‘Voice’

“It is time to for us to awaken to our true selves,…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

What is Meta Learning? Where Has It been Used Successfully?

“Metacognition is rising in importance as educators are realizing its importance and…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin