C. M. Rubin

103 Articles

Top Teachers Talk Top Tech to Try

During the past year, we’ve discussed and debated the pros and cons…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

The New Year Resolutions and How We Plan to Achieve Them – Millennials Weigh In

Humanity faces a new set of challenges – we need an innovative…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

Oxford University Professor on Impact of AI on the Future of Education

“If we are talking primary school, AI is probably moving too fast…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

Yes They’re Ready to Teach in the Fourth Industrial Revolution!

“Our global society faces dangers of inequity inside and outside our schools.…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

How a Digital Teacher Transforms Learning

“In places like Malawi where we have a large number of learners,…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

Educating India for a Digital Age: Awesome Programs Impacting Learning

The Children in India 2012 study found that approximately 48% of India’s…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

How is China Shaping the Future of AI?

“In January 2018, advocates for data privacy celebrated when the Chinese government…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

Could a Robot Replace a Teacher? Should a Robot Replace a Teacher?

There’s a robot in each of our backpacks. 

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

Teachers Talk Literacy Skills for a Digital World

Print and pictures on the pages of a textbook, a novel, a…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin

Significant Role of Education Systems, Schools and Teachers in Helping Immigrant Students

"The focus of the report is not only on students’ academic achievement…

C. M. Rubin C. M. Rubin