Santosh Bhaskar K

201 Articles

[Infographic] Is Online Learning Right for Me?

Online education is a boon to lifelong learners who wish to acquire…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

[Infographic] The State of OpenCourseWare

OpenCourseWare (OCW) refers to academic course materials created by universities that are…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

Why and How Administrators Make Connections and Collaborate with other Educational Leaders?

Sergiovanni (1991) defined administration as a process of working with and through…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

[Infographic] The Minds Behind The MOOCs

MOOCs- Massive Open Online Courses, are now trending across the globe. Academic…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

Stoodle: Great Real Time Collaboration & Communication Tool

The idea of using Interactive White Boards in classroom is undoubtedly a…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

A Day in the Life of a Connected Educator

Connected Educator, the term refers to an educator who is involved in…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

[Infographic] The Digital Classroom

Textbooks are heavy, expensive and quickly out-of-date. It’s hard to set learning…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

Why Should Schools Run a Blog For Their Students and Teachers?

Most of the educational institutions maintain an official website in order to…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

Can Technology Further Improve a Lesson that is Already Effective?

As we know about Titanic, a fictionalized account of the sinking of…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

Modern Technology and Its Impact on Children

The rapid changes in technology provide people with numerous benefits and at…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K