Why Should Educators Use LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is a social networking website for people in professional occupations. Many…
Pinterest: A Great Visual Learning Tool
Pinterest is a pin board style photo sharing web platform. This site…
5 Great EdTech Companies Working On Educational Data
Student performance will be estimated by several quantities like marks in a…
Great Online Resources to Learn Grammar
“The way that I approached numbers, think about them, the same as…
BYOD Successful Implementations From Around the World
Bring your own device (BYOD) (also called bring your own technology (BYOT),…
What to Teach Students About Digital Citizenship
Everyone uses internet, but those people who regularly use it effectively and…
Best Tools for Project Based Learning
Do you remember your schools days when you used to sit in…
How Can Teachers Use Web Tools For Inquiry Based Learning?
"Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me…
[Infographic] EdTech Adoption Rate in K-12 Teaching
Technology has become an essential part of education today. Educational institutions are…
How are iPads Used in Schools? Some Real Life Examples
The world is now focusing on smart technology. Especially in schools; using…