Santosh Bhaskar K

201 Articles

Why Should Educators Use LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a social networking website for people in professional occupations. Many…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

Pinterest: A Great Visual Learning Tool

Pinterest is a pin board style photo sharing web platform. This site…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

5 Great EdTech Companies Working On Educational Data

Student performance will be estimated by several quantities like marks in a…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

Great Online Resources to Learn Grammar

“The way that I approached numbers, think about them, the same as…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

BYOD Successful Implementations From Around the World

Bring your own device (BYOD) (also called bring your own technology (BYOT),…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

What to Teach Students About Digital Citizenship

Everyone uses internet, but those people who regularly use it effectively and…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

Best Tools for Project Based Learning

Do you remember your schools days when you used to sit in…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

How Can Teachers Use Web Tools For Inquiry Based Learning?

"Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

[Infographic] EdTech Adoption Rate in K-12 Teaching

Technology has become an essential part of education today. Educational institutions are…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K

How are iPads Used in Schools? Some Real Life Examples

The world is now focusing on smart technology. Especially in schools; using…

Santosh Bhaskar K Santosh Bhaskar K