A community is a group of people linked by a common vision; and it requires a community to enable the significant education transformation needed for the 21st century. We believe that if we’re going to get serious about effective technology integration in education and creating 21st century systems of teaching and learning; we cannot be satisfied with isolated success stories – no matter how exciting they are. We believe that it’s only together that we can improve education.
Making a real impact on education requires ongoing collaboration. We know we are a small part of the education system with much to learn. We want to join with our fellow educators all around the world. We’re asking everyone who shares our passion to come with us and propel us on the path to creating a community to discover, learn, utilize and share about the best ways technology can help improve learning, teaching, and leading in the 21st century.
We realize that the education challenges are too big and pressing for any one organization to resolve alone. We’ll need to partner with others to debate the challenges and start to develop the solutions we all want to see. We see collaboration, partnership, and co-creation as the only way to change education for the better. It is more important and urgent than ever for teachers, educational leaders, academic institutions, businesses and governments to work together to explore these challenges and identify fresh solutions to improve learning, teaching and leading in the 21st century.
We all are here with a common bond and a consensus on the fact that technology can be a great tool when used with purpose and that 21st century skills like creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking must be embedded in education. But the answer to the how is this possible is not with any one of us. The answer is something we need to together come up with. It requires a community to enable the significant education transformation needed for the 21st century. We bet that no single person or organization can bring the required change in education for the 21st century. Together we’re better.
EdTechReview (ETR) Membership provides you a network of like-minded educators and professionals from across the globe who share your passion of improving learning through technology, with whom you can connect and collaborate in various ways both online and offline.
Membership is open to all teachers, professors, educators, administrators, education leaders, edtech trainers and consultants, education entrepreneurs, education investors, education technology organizations and educational institutions regardless of curriculum offered. The only prerequisite is that members support our objectives and believe in our mission and vision.
Together, let’s Discover->Learn->Utilize->Share the best ways technology can help improve learning, teaching and leading in the 21st century.