English holds a substantiate weightage in the modern professional and education world. It is now a vital requirement rather than an added benefit. In India, approximately 400 million people aspire to acquire a desired level of English proficiency.
However, the NEP 2020 has brought a massive change by introducing a three-language formula that pushes away from the English-Hindi approach and lets the state select the languages that fit the needs of their children. The uncertainty around the inclusion of English in the curriculum is a matter of concern for Indian students because they might be distanced from a global language that enables learning and employment.
Realising the essentiality of the English language, Renaissance Learning is organising a webinar on “Importance of Reading, Writing and Speaking in developing English Language”.
Wednesday, 18th November 2020, at 5:00 PM (IST)
Webinar Takeaway:
- How learning English can open doors for students pursuing careers in the fields of literacy locally and globally?
- Rising need of training students in English language in a 360° manner
- Role of teachers in encouraging English learning for students

The webinar will be conducted and hosted by Dr. Carol M. Johnson, a bilingual educator and National Education Officer at Renaissance. She is a PhD holder in Second Language Acquisition & Teaching, specialising in how people learn second languages. In the webinar, Dr. Carol Johnson will reflect upon the importance of reading, writing, and speaking the English language. She will also take up major questions like ‘Why English is an important tool of communication for 21st century students’, ‘How learning English in entirety will open doors for students pursuing career in the field of literacy or exploring opportunities outside the country’, and ‘What wonders can English bring into one’s life?’
English is a prerequisite. The more English speakers we have, the better our ability to integrate and collaborate with the world for a better future. Join Dr. Carol in this webinar to find out what opportunities we can harness to ensure a 360°-English learning to ensure a better tomorrow for everyone.
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