PDF documents have become a standard for almost for all purposes. When the PDF was first introduced, it was difficult to make any manipulation to the documents due to lack of proper
tools for PDF. The options available too were minimal. The only use for PDF documents was you can read the content. PDF has come a long way since its first introduction and today there so many tools for teachers, administrators and students to enhance it usage.
The emergence of multiple PDF tools have made it highly utility oriented. The tools make PDF so convenient that you will hardly want to give them up. They are increasingly being used by all sections of users like teachers, administrators and students. Here below is a list of 12 PDF tools and a brief description of their usefulness.
PageFlipFlap is an amazing tool and can change the appearance of your PDF documents making it more convenient to read. This tool has proved its mettle when used on long documents. You can include it in your documents to give an extra punch of readability to them.
The salient feature of this tool is its ability to convert web pages into a PDF document. Being portable, you will be able to view the document anywhere. It is ideal for referencing. Users find it useful because they don’t have to take the trouble to bookmark important web pages. The other benefit is your internet data usage will be reduced immensely.
BlogBooker is a must have tool for blog owners, and you will realize its benefits the moment you start with using it. It is particularly useful if you maintain an archive of your blog for later use and reference. Users are increasing applying it for saving their blogs as a PDF document. The other use to BlogBooker is they are great for changing the look of your blog or for shifting to another platform. It is also great when you change your host.
There are 2 version of Debenu – paid and free. With this tool, maintaining and managing PDF documents is made easy. Users have found use for Debenu for merging several PDF documents into one, converting images into PDF formats, checking on the fonts of the documents and for making changes in your PDF documents even without opening them. The paid version of the tool has so many other rich features.
As the name itself says, DigiSigner is about putting a signature to your PDF document. This is ideal in situations where your documents’ security is of paramount importance. Companies use DigiSigner to store PDF documents with confidential information. Manipulating PDF documents is not an easy task, but there are some methods through which it is done. DigiSigner is ideal for protecting your documents from being manipulated even by those methods.
PDF Reader
Just like Instagram for PC has flourished among photo lovers,PDF Reader is one of the most favorite tools for PDF users. It is widely used by professionals and amateurs alike thanks to its ease of use. It is considered useful because it lets users add annotations to the document, and there are a wide range of annotations you can consider for inclusion in the document.
If you want to make enhancements to a PDF document, it is time you had the PDFescape. It is a cool tool for designing your document. Whether you want a form included or give a different shape to enhance its look, PDFescape will be able to accomplish it for you. It is widely useful for form filling or as registration form and enquiry form. Should need, you can blank out certain portions of the document, include text or link it within and outside the document area.
PDF to Flash Page Flip
This tool has a lot in common with PageFlipFlap. Users find it useful for including animations in the document. This is particularly useful when you have to include illustration and how-to effect for your readers. If your document is aimed at school bound kids, use this tool as much as you can. They are also ideal for scientific presentations.
Cute PDF
This is a highly utility oriented tool and cute too. If you can use it innovatively it will not only make your documents look cute but also make it more readable. By using this tool you will be able to merge multiple PDF documents into a single document. You can selectively extract pages of out of other PDF documents and combine them into a single PDF book. Cute PDFis an exciting tool that you shouldn’t miss.
PDF Ripper
Remember that the last name of this tool is ripper, and that is exactly what it does to PDF documents – rips them apart into different segments. Once you have sorted out the text, images, illustrations, charts and other components, you can reassemble them to your liking. Sort of, the PDF Ripper is for those want to give their PDF documents a neat look in a different order from the one they were originally created.
PDF Find
Little we need to emphasize the importance of PDF Find. It is noteworthy that the internet contains millions of documents in PDF format. PDF is considered very useful because of its versatility in transporting digitally. PDF Find is an ideal tool for locating PDF documents in the internet. All that you need to do is use PDF Find and you will be able to locate your favorite document in no time.
Slim PDF Reader
Slim PDF Reader is for those who keep multiple documents open on their monitor. It helps to make the PDF documents small and accessible easily. When what you want is nothing but a basic view in multiple documents, you cannot do without Slim PDF Reader. It is ideal for composing documents through the use of many PDF pages.