Quality Events
We aim to bring the best practitioners and early adopters together through various events.

Consulting Services
We focus on bringing 21st century education initiatives and successful technology integrations in place in educational institutions.

Training and Professional Development (TPD)
LTL21, our TPD program guides and supports students, teachers and administrators for learning, teaching and leading successfully in this digital age.

Customized Monthly e-Newsletter
We deliver the Best Tools, Tips, Insights and Practices for Effective Use of Technology in Education Weekly to Your Inbox.

International Media Exposure
The membership also provides eligibility for EdTechReview’s Awards and various Speaking, Training, Advisory and Volunteering Opportunities to add value to your career and institution profile.

More Details
ETR Membership aims to enable institutions to successfully adopt, implement and utilize technology to meet the 21st century needs of their teachers, administrators and students. Read about benefits in detail.